27 May 2010


Finals? Easy to say; it was very difficult! I have to admit that I know my result will be damn worst! With no clue of carry marks each subjects. I'm wondering, berapa carry marks for other subjects?

1) Public Relation
As usual, no carry marks. The paper is a bit hard for me. So, just hope for the best.

2) Publication Design
Final? Hampeh! Soalan yang keluar essay, macam tak pernah di ajar or am I dreaming in class? Darn! Memanglah kecewa kalau tak dapat A. 4 credit hours bhai! Carry marks? Teruk. I got 52.5/60.Chances to get A mcm tipis sebab I can't do the Final!

3) Wrting For Radio
No carry marks and the final question is the toughest one. Oh, I can say that I will always get B+ for Madam Amy's subjects. Melekat je B+. Tak pernah nak jadi A except for one paper; Ethics For the Journalist. Eh, tapi subject Radio ni macam akan dapat C. Maybe!

4) Current issues and the Media
Yes, I just have to smile for this subject. Menggoreng tapi hasilnya mungkin hangus. Who knows. Carry marks sikit; 50/60. Nah, will I ever get A? Just wait and see.

5) Media Law
No comment. Overall it is Okay. I always thought this paper will killed me but then, nothing happens. I'm still alive. HAHA.

6) Internet For Journalistic Research
Nah, I love this subject. Why? I love writing essay. Yes, mengarut itu indah. And it is about internet. Don't you people love internet? HAHAHA.

So, waiting for the result. What I can say is; I'm a bit stress this semester. I felt that I don't get enough input and suddenly I have to give Output! Yes, it is frustrating. I guess this semester you will see me as the biggest loser.


16 May 2010

kau dan aku


ello. This feeling is not good especially when I'm having finals tomorrow. The situation: I got a lot of invitations; My friends wedding, Bertunanglah, Beranaklah, Cukur jambullah. Come on guys. Aku serius cemburu. Think this: I have no steady boyfriend at all but you guys sampai dah beranak-pinak memang last2 aku je seketul yang tinggal seorang diri. Eh, but we are still young. To get married at the age around 22 or 23, it is seriously young for me. Hey, however, this is strange. You have no steady Boyfriend at the age of 22. HAHAHA.Yes, you can call me loser. Every time I went to a friend's wedding ceremony, they keep on asking me the same thing, "Yan, still macam dulu, empat tahun dah, macam tu jugak. Takde Boyfren. Kau bila nak mencari wei. Kami tak sampai hati nak kawin awal-awal sebab kaulah :P" WTH. Chill guys. Aku memang tak ready nak handle life after marriage.

After all, life is not for love. Banyak lagi yang kita boleh buat. Aku bukan love maniac. Eh, tapi feel tu mestilah ada dan aku straight. HAHAHA. Cuma rasa cinta itu belum mari lagi sebab aku rasa cukup semua. What do I need more? I have a father that willing to sacrifice anything for me, I have a sister that will love me no matter what I did wrong, I have a lil brother that always talk rubbish to me. I do love them. So, tak perlu tanya-tanya aku dalam nada perli bila aku nak ada Steady boyfriend or so whatever. Memang lambatlah kalau tunggu aku.


14 May 2010


Hey, hello. This is damn tiring week for me. I'm having final this Monday. Oh, yes. That means I have to study harder just like every Semester. Haaa, to be honest, I never study so hard. However I will always put effort in everything I do. I just try my best and I will always remember what my father said to me. He gave me strength to keep on going. He always gave everything I want. This makes me want to make him proud of me. No matter what I want, he will always try to satisfied me. I have to admit this; I am stubborn and selfish! Everything I want, I will ask for it. Hey, I am a spoiled child. That is what my sister said to me.

Can I still be one of the dean list this semester? I'm afraid to put any expectations. Thus, my father always trust me and put high expectations on me. Why? Because he knows that I can do and I will do anything to get what I want. Do I still have that spirit? Mungkin tidak. Selepas aku bergaduh dengan seorang yang penakut, aku jadi agresif menyumpah-seranah! Serius, aku tak tipu kau. Bnayak aku sumpah seranah kau. Aku just nak pesan, "Pulanglah ke Pangkal Jalan dan berhenti memburukkan aku" . Yes, I wrote it in Malay so that she understands me better! Supaya jangan pulak ada salah faham. Takut kau tak berapa nak faham kalau dalam English. So, rasa macam dah jelaskan?

Anyway, Sayang. Please wish me good luck for my final exam eh? Gila ahhh. Aku suka kau kot. Tapi kau mungkin rimas dengan aku. Yes, I notice that. Apa-apa jelah. Just harap kau okay selalu. Aku akan terus menyimpan rasa ini.


11 May 2010

Buat Aku Tersenyum.

Hey. This is a story about two weeks. I have to admit this; I'm happy and at the same time, I'm a bit disappointed. Guys, do you still remember when you are in kindergarten, you're friends used to say, "Eh, awak jangan kawan dengan dia. Dia jahat!". Bla, bla, bla. Stupid things. Yet, it still happens to me in the age of 20's. Hahaha. Kau bayangkan. The problem of kanak-kanak, itulah yang aku alami sekarang! Hell. Say it loud if you are not satisfied with me! Tak perlu cari backup sana, sini. It's easy and this matter would not be as big as today. Kau sendiri started it, you have to finished it. I've told you before, once you start it, I would not stop it and yes, I will keep on going. Seriously, this is a stupid thing and I've warn you, don't talk bad things behind me! Bring it on lah wei!

Okay, okay. Enough with that! Heh, I remember this; a friend asked me about mother's day. Have I wished my mother? Hey, I do love my mom but just keep it to yourself. There's no need to tell others to wish mother's day. Do you have to update your status in Facebook, Myspace and others just to wish 'Selamat Hari Ibu'. Damn, no need okay! Yes, stop asking others about mother's day. You have to put yourself in others situation also. Just like me! I HAVE NO MOM SINCE I AM 8 YEARS OLD! Hah, puas hati? Memang aku tak pernah wish mother's day since that day. So, tak perlu nak bangkit-bangkitkan hal ibu ke hal apa ke yang lain. I'm done!

Anyway, I should wish mother's day to; "Selamat Hari Ibu kepada semua ibu yang mengaku Ibu". Okay, just smile and always smile. Jangan jadi anak derhaka. Syurga di bawah tapak kaki Ibu.
