Finals? Easy to say; it was very difficult! I have to admit that I know my result will be damn worst! With no clue of carry marks each subjects. I'm wondering, berapa carry marks for other subjects?
1) Public Relation
As usual, no carry marks. The paper is a bit hard for me. So, just hope for the best.
2) Publication Design
Final? Hampeh! Soalan yang keluar essay, macam tak pernah di ajar or am I dreaming in class? Darn! Memanglah kecewa kalau tak dapat A. 4 credit hours bhai! Carry marks? Teruk. I got 52.5/60.Chances to get A mcm tipis sebab I can't do the Final!
3) Wrting For Radio
No carry marks and the final question is the toughest one. Oh, I can say that I will always get B+ for Madam Amy's subjects. Melekat je B+. Tak pernah nak jadi A except for one paper; Ethics For the Journalist. Eh, tapi subject Radio ni macam akan dapat C. Maybe!
4) Current issues and the Media
Yes, I just have to smile for this subject. Menggoreng tapi hasilnya mungkin hangus. Who knows. Carry marks sikit; 50/60. Nah, will I ever get A? Just wait and see.
5) Media Law
No comment. Overall it is Okay. I always thought this paper will killed me but then, nothing happens. I'm still alive. HAHA.
6) Internet For Journalistic Research
Nah, I love this subject. Why? I love writing essay. Yes, mengarut itu indah. And it is about internet. Don't you people love internet? HAHAHA.
So, waiting for the result. What I can say is; I'm a bit stress this semester. I felt that I don't get enough input and suddenly I have to give Output! Yes, it is frustrating. I guess this semester you will see me as the biggest loser.